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From the Catholic Church Magisterium

Vatican Council I
Excerpts from Documents of the Catholic Church on Specific Issues
Pius XI
Catechism of the Catholic Church
Benedict XVI
Date Title
2005-11-09 God's Revelation in the Cosmos
2005-11-25 Address 
at the Inauguration of the Academic Year 
at the Catholic University of The Sacred Heart
2005-2013 Reading the Book of Nature: from the Teachings of Benedict XVI
2006-02-27 Address to the Participants at the 12th General Assembly of the Pontifical Academy for Life and Congress on “The Human Embryo in the Pre-Implantation Phase”
2006-09-12 "Faith, Reason and the University. Memories and Reflections", Speech delivered at the Meeting with The Representatives of Science, University of Regensburg
2006-11-06 Address to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences during a Conference on Predictability in Science
2007-04-22 Meeting with the Representatives of the World of Culture in the University of Pavia
2007-10-05 Address to Members of the International Theological Commission
2008-01-17 Lecture Prepared for the Visit to the University “La Sapienza”, Rome
2008-04-17 Speech delivered at the Catholic University of America, Washington
2008-10-16 Address on the 10th anniversary of the Encyclical Fides et Ratio
2010-03-24 General Audience: "Saint Albert the Great"
2010-05-27 Address for the 61st General Assembly of the Italian Episcopal Conference
2010-06-16 Thomas Aquinas and the New Synthesis between Philosophy and Theology
2010-09-18 Discourse and Homily for the Beatification of Cardinal John Henry Newman
2010-09-30 Word, Logos, Creation: nn. 8-13 Apostolic Exhortation "Verbum Domini"
2011-04-23 Homily for the Easter Vigily: "Creative Reason is the Source of Everything"
2011-05-21 Via Satellite connection with the International Space Station Astronauts
2011-09-21 Reflections on the Foundations of Law, Visit to the Bundestag
2012-11-21 The Reasonableness of Faith in God
2013-01-09 General Audience: "He became a man"
2013-02-06 I believe in God: Creator of Heaven and Earth, Creator of the human being