Philosophical Dimensions of Science
Date | Title | From |
1687 | God and the Universe in the Principia Mathematica |
The General Scholium to Principia Mathematica, 1687 |
Date | Title | From |
1833 | God and the Laws of Nature |
A Discourse on the Studies of the University, 1833 |
Date | Title | From |
1871 | Introductory Lecture on Experimental Physics |
The Scientific Papers of James Clerk Maxwell, 1965 |
Date | Title | From |
1925 | The Influence of Western Medieval Culture Upon the Development of Modern Science |
Science and the Modern World, Lowell Lectures, 1925 |
Date | Title | From |
1935 | Freedom versus Law |
The Freedom of Man, 1935. |
Date | Title | From |
1935 | The Realist Beginner’s Handbook |
Methodical Realism, 1935 |
Date | Title | From |
1950 | On Freedom |
On Freedom, 1950 |
1952 | On the Rational Order of the World: a Letter to Maurice Solovine |
Letters to Solovine, tr. by W. Baskin, New York 1987 |
Date | Title | From |
1953 | The Scientist qua Scientist Makes Value Judgments |
Philosophy of Science, 20 (1953) |
Date | Title | From |
1958 | On the Intellectual Passion in Scientific Research |
Personal Knowledge. Toward A Post-Critical Philosophy, 1958 |
1962 | The Republic of Science: Its Political and Economic Theory |
Minerva 1 (1962), pp.54-74 |
1968 | Life’s Irreducible Structure |
Science, June 1968 |
Date | Title | From |
1959 | The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences |
Richard Courant Lecture in Mathematical Sciences delivered at New York University, May 11, 1959 |
Date | Title | From |
1961 | The Modern Development of the Foundations of Mathematics in the Light of Philosophy |
Collected works, vol. III: Unpublished Essays and Lectures |
Date | Title | From |
1967 | On the Religious Dimensions of Scientific Activity |
Deems Lectures delivered at New York University |
Date | Title | From |
1970 | The Meaning of Beauty in Exact Natural Science |
Lecture delivered to the Bayerische Akademie der Schönen Künste |
Date | Title | From |
1977 | The Scientific Experience of Ultimates: Wonder |
Scientific Man. The Humanistic Significance of Science |
1977 | The Scientific experience of Knowledge |
Scientific Man. The Humanistic Significance of Science |
1977 | The Humanistic Character of Science |
Scientific Man. The Humanistic Significance of Science |
Date | Title | From |
1979 | Beauty And The Quest For Beauty In Science |
Truth and Beauty |
Date | Title | From |
1980 | The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics |
The American Mathematical Monthly, February 1980 |
Date | Title | From |
1982 | Beyond the Fact/Value Dichotomy |
Realism with a Human Face, 1992 |
Date | Title | From |
1984 | James Clerk Maxwell and the Equations of Light |
Transformation & Convergence in the Frame of Knowledge, 1984 |
Date | Title | From |
1988 | Computability and Turing Machine |
The World within the World, 1988 |
Date | Title | From |
1991 | Practices and Principles in Cauchy’s Work |
Augustine-Louis Cauchy. A Biography, 1991 |
Date | Title | From |
1991 | Reductionism as Negation of the Scientific Spirit |
The Problem of Reductionism in Science, Dordrecht 1991 |
1991 | The Universe as a Philosophical Problem |
The Universe as a Scientific and Philosophical Problem, 1991 |
Date | Title | From |
1993 | Towards the ultimate question |
Wrinkles in time |
Date | Title | From |
1997 | Four Arguments for Mental Life Inhering in a Spiritual Substance |
What is Life? The originality, irreducibility, and value of life, 1997 |
1997 | On the Nature of Life |
What is Life? The Originality, Irreducibility, and Value of Life, 1997 |
Date | Title | From |
2001 | Evolution and Theodicy, a Reading from "Darwin’s God. Evolution and the Problem of Evil" |
Darwin's God. Evolution and the Problem of Evil, 2001 |
Date | Title | From |
2005 | The Universe. What’s the Point? |
Spiritual Information. 100 Perspectives on Science and Religion. |
Date | Title | From |
2005 | Between Mathematics and Transcendence. The Search for the Spiritual Dimension of Scientific Discovery |
Spiritual Information. 100 Perspectives on Science and Religion. |
Date | Title | From |
2005 | Why is the Sky Blue? (What Was God Thinking? Science Can't Tell) |
Time Magazine, November 14, 2005 |
Date | Title | From |
2007 | Thick description of science |
Toward a Theology of Scientific Endeavour, 2007 |
Date | Title | From |
2008 | Put a Little Science in Your Life |
International Herald Tribune, June 2, 2008 |
Date | Title | From |
2009 | Religion, Medicine and Miracles |
Medical Miracles. Doctors, Saints, and Healing in the Modern World, 2009 |
Date | Title | From |
2010 | What Scientists Really Think: Shattering Myths, Toward Dialogue |
Science Vs. Religion, 2010 |