Metanexus Institute
Metanexus is an invented word to designate a new way of thinking and being in the universe. "Metanexus" literally means "transcending connections" and "transformational networks." The approach is multi-perspectival and scientifically rigorous. Implied in the term is an epistemology, an ontology, and an ethics that understands process and relationship to be foundational in any coherent understanding of contemporary science and human history.
Founded in 1997, the Metanexus Institute is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting scientifically rigorous and philosophically open-ended explorations of foundational questions. To fulfill its mandate, the organization supports the exchange of innovative ideas through conferences, salons, books, and its website. The online magazine is committed to publishing scholars whose ability to synthesize knowledge in constructive and nuanced ways challenges our thinking and propels us forward into a healthy, just, and sustainable future.
At the present moment, despite the increase in the quantity and diversity of our knowledge, our understanding of the world is becoming ever more fragmented. We believe this fragmentation lies at the root of many of the current threats to our wellbeing and the wellbeing of the planet. Therefore, Metanexus proposes a new approach to the way we pursue knowledge about our universe, our lives, and ourselves. Our mandate is to Think Big.
Board of Directors: William Grassie (Founder and Executive Vice President), Edward J. Devinney (President), Ursula Goodenough, Michele Demers.
The section "Essentials" hosts book reviews, videos and short essays on the topics reffered to Big History and Big Questions.
A specific section focuses on several features: Transhumanism and its Critics, the News Sciences of Religion, Indic Visions in an Age of Science, Disciplines in Dialogue, Intelligent Design and its Critics. In "Visual X" media and photos are available (lightning, Antarctica, Technological Mandalas,ecc.)
Browse authors are listed alphabetically.