JRI - The John Ray Initiative connecting Environment, Science and Christianity
The John Ray Initiative (JRI) is an educational charity, based in the UK. It was formed in 1997 in recognition of the urgent need to respond to the global environmental crisis and the challenges of sustainable development and environmental stewardship. Vision Statement: “To bring together scientific, technological and Christian understanding of the environment in a way that can be widely communicated and lead to effective action.”Mission Statement:“ To promote responsible environmental stewardship in accordance with Christian principles through Education, Research and Advocacy.”
Inspiration for JRI is taken from John Ray (1627-1705), English naturalist, Christian theologian and first biological systematist of modern times, preceding Carl Linnaeus.
Objectives Statement
Mike Morecroft (President); Vice- Presidents: John Sale, Robert White; John Weaver;
Directors: Rich Clarkson (Chair), Shan Dobinson (Executive Secretary and Company Secretary); Margot Hodson (Theology and Education Director); Martin Hodson (Operations Director); Anne Scott, Shelly Dennison, Alison Holland (Treasurer non Director);
Registered Charity number 1067614
Registered Company number 3420063 (England and Wales)
Registered Charity number 1067614
Registered Company number 3420063 (England and Wales)
Christian confession.