From the Catholic Church Magisterium
Pius VII
Vatican Council I
Date | Title |
1870 | Dogmatic Constitution "Dei Filius" |
Date | Title | From |
1879 | The Relevance of Philosophy and the Heritage of Aquinas for the Work of Theologians |
Encyclical Aeterni Patris |
1891 | Ut Mysticam. Motu Proprio on the Re-establishment and enlargement of the Vatican Observatory |
La Specola Vaticana. Nove Papi, una missione |
Excerpts from Documents of the Catholic Church on Specific Issues
Date | Title |
1893-1964 | Sacred Scripture and Scientific Results |
1963-2009 | On Scientific Progress and Human Development |
Pius XI
Date | Title | From |
1935-09-29 | Deum creatorem venite adoremus. Inaugural speech for the new buildings of the Vatican Observatory at Castelgandolfo |
La Specola Vaticana. Nove Papi, una missione |
Pius XII
Vatican Council II
Date | Title |
1965-12-07 | Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World: "Gaudium et Spes" |
Paul VI
Catechism of the Catholic Church
Date | Title |
1997 | Key-points concerning Faith, Reason and Scientific Knowledge |
Benedict XVI